If you’re like many Americans, you enjoy getting a great deal at the grocery store, but what happens when you don’t have enough room in the freezer? A gas freezer is a great choice to increase your storage capacity, and New Hope Gas Company can assist with any maintenance issues you face with your freezer, as well as with the installation and purchase of a new unit.
Realizing that your gas freezer is malfunctioning is a hassle, but if you act quickly you can get most problems repaired. Here are a few of the issues you might face if your freezer is broken.
Water has appeared on the floor under the freezer.
Your freezer is constructed with insulation, but over time this feature can age and fail. If you’re walking through puddles around your freezer, you might have an insulation problem.
Your freezer is too cold.
Although it seems incredible that a freezer could get too cold, problems with the thermocouple could lead to a refrigerator that feels like Antarctica. Replacing the thermocouple might be the solution.
Your freezer is too old.
Your gas freezer should offer flawless performance for many years, but they do eventually wear out. If you’re working with a very old freezer that uses CFCs for cooling, it might be time to throw in the towel and upgrade.
Purchasing a new gas freezer and installing it is very much like choosing a new gas refrigerator. Examining the size, efficiency, and reliability is a must. Most freezers should offer many years of operation, and you don’t necessarily need the most expensive model on the market.
Consider: Chest freezers are almost always more efficient than upright freezers because the heavy, cold air remains in the chest freezer when you open the lid yet escapes when you open the door of an upright freezer.
If you’re standing in a puddle because your gas freezer has failed or you’re looking to buy a new gas freezer, give New Hope Gas Company a call. We’ve got the know-how to help you choose the best new freezer for your home or RV, as well as fix any freezer problems.
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